2014-03-18 To F.



All right. I lower my shield. (Jokingly of course, I have my own ideas about shields and people who are more knowledgeable and intelligent than me, who can influence me. I am easily influenced. Everything works with me: psychological, persuasive, rational, emotional strategies. In short, any type of dialectic, especially eristics. Besides, the last time I started conforming to you, I ended up with a little minor depressive episode. Conditioning and that Psychologist’s bullshit (I’m a rebel from the RSA), you know.) (Check this. Written by a woman, ojito)20

"* I have not changed. […] And I thought before that women should be at home, for example. And from not respecting their place many evils have come out. I also understand that they want financial independence to be able to separate. But the man is the man, and the woman is the woman.*”

2014-03-15 From F.

I want arguments. Tell me things I don’t know and stop with the fixist bullshit of “the man is man and woman is woman”. Do not come with dickhead stuff, that I crack up.21 (I feel like Reverte, the one from the RSA, those of the figs …) Fernando, a couple of very simple questions that I hope you can answer me. What is the “place” of women? Why should women be “in their place”? Why the leaving of “her place” has caused so many ills? What ills? The man is a man, and the woman, a woman? Please develop the idea. Your idea, I don’t have time for references.

Don’t go beat around the bush, please. Stick to my questions. I know that you, fascists and fallaciests (how cool is categorizing, isn’t it?), love recurring, unrelated and fixist argumentations. Do not worry, I will avoid that you end up with the gelled hair, suit, tie and as panelist from Intereconomia. Time will tell. And hope. (Young-old man without humility, you know. Hubris, grandiose word. But with hope. And a little faith, because I studied in a priest’s school. The priests in class and the nuns in the infirmary. Subtleness.)

By the way, I save your letter to subject it to a slower shelling if necessary. In private, of course22. I also learn, respect and, understand. People are different.



P.S. Friend’s advice. You use the computer a lot. We don’t want you always available. You start to look like a teenager posting on Facebook everything you find online. Don’t get caught by the net.

Leuven, 03/18/2014

  1. Spanish nuance. Sicología is the science that study figs, while Psicología is the study of the Psyque, the soul, or the mind. The reference is originated by a comment of F. in a non-published email.

  2. Spanish nuance: “No me vengas con polladas, que me descojo” in the original. To keep the manly speech.

  3. But 6 years later… You, anonymous public person, are reading this.