2014-03-18 From Z.


Hi Carlos,

How are you?

I don’t know where to start telling you, I don’t even know if I have something to tell you that might interest you. I am in the library of the faculty, very overwhelmed with things, I think that in the end, I will be running out of time. But well, the truth is that I don’t care much. My head is on other things.

I am quite sad with my life in general, I do not know if I have solid reasons or not to be sad, but unfortunately my way of being is like this… I worry a lot about things, and I am not able to move forward. I have stagnated in my life… On the other hand I am a f*cking great, in S.. I do what I want, I do not depend on anyone, and I have a good time. Although, I honestly do not know if I that is worth it. I think I aspire to more in my life, to deeper things… But right now, I am empty.

I miss J., although I have to make decisions that are not easy for me. Tomorrow, I’m going on a trip to C. for a few days with some friends, to see if I can clear my mind up. Although, right now, today, I’m not feeling like going anywhere. I am bipolar.

Tell me about yourself, because, honestly, to tell you about about my not-so-interesting shits, pfff……… I am already thinking of going on Erasmus, but for the 3rd year, of course. Any recommendation?

I am so eager to get out of here, although I also tell you, thank goodness I am in S. because in V., I get really embittered. I will tell you other things because I am writing to you in a shitty moment, and I only say baaaaaaaad things, and not happy ones. Haha.

Here, a kiss…

Have it very well.