3 Take breaks

Unless you squeeze the precarious moments of focus as much as I do, your body and mind will thank you some rest. As a general rule, do the opposite of what you have been doing. If your work consists on being seated on a chair, alone, in a closed space, staring at a screen shooting photos straight to your pineal gland; you may need some movement, socializing, fresh air in an open space, and some sunlight.

3.1 Interacting with other living creatures

As I said before, social relationships are much needed. Placing a living being in your surroundings, like plants in your office, although very beneficial, can be a bit boring. Thus, try to find other living forms with whom you can interact and communicate with. People will shoot a combination of adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, and maybe oxytocin in your nervous system that will wake you up, motivate you, make you feel good and happy, and maybe make you prone of developing some long lasting bonds. The world is full of free walking pharmacies. Take advantage of it.

3.2 Exercise, stretch, and move

Similarly, there is tons of books, papers, and information about how our body, as animal’s body, is designed to get its daily dose of movement. In a desk job, it is likely our lives are movement deprived. I always lack the constancy and will-power needed to do 30 squats, or 15 push ups every 25 minutes. However, I know people that actually do it. Give it a try, your body and brain will thank it.

3.3 Meditate

There are tons of literature about the somehow scientifically proven benefits of meditate. My advice is to do a one single case qualitative introspective experiment with yourself and give it a try. Kabat-Zinn, David Cain, and even Carlito Fluito6 are good starting points. Sitting outside, taking some fresh air, and focusing for 20 minutes on your breath can reboot your brain, and make you successfully tackle that task you have been struggling for the last 3 hours.

3.4 Power Naps

No one has ever done it. Me neither. However, if you want to be the first person that tries it, you can lock your office from inside, set an alarm or putting a binaural beat sounds, and lie flat on the floor of your office. It is worthwhile, since you are probably sleep deprived, and your brain is not working properly. You can refine the technique as much as you feel like. Maybe, you can put on the hood of your feather coat, lay down a chair, place some journals below the backrest to get the desired height for a perfect pillow, lie on your back, and put your hand in the pockets. Never tried, though.

  1. Yes, self-promotion.